The Copernicus, Hubbles, Keplerus partitions were created to meet the needs of finding alternative solutions to traditional masonry partition walls, obtaining greater versatility and also trying to significantly reduce construction times in defining the subdivision of spaces and management of work space.
Depending on the needs, the subdivisions can take place remaining completely free from the constraints of the general plant engineering and the dimensions of both horizontal and vertical modules, with the possibility of organizing and distributing the spaces in a rational and orderly manner, providing the rooms with an effect aesthetic and personalized detail.
Alfa Servizi produces movable, equipped partition walls for shops, boutiques, exhibition centres and offices. To support, we guarantee all the integrated services of design, assistance, assembly and integral realization.
The strengths of the Copernicus, Hubbles, Keplerus partitions are design, construction quality and materials. The equipped dividing mobile partitions are of high quality, destined to last over time.
The catalogue is very wide, from the double-part mobile partition walls for offices that isolate from external noises, to warmer sliding wooden partition walls suitable for numerous purposes. The choice of material depends on the intended use of the wall. Copernicus uses modern production technologies that allow us to develop light and manoeuvrable equipped walls.