Art and quality of style
Copernicus is a patented mobile division system with high quality and safety standards. As a result of in-depth studies and experience in the field of mobile walls, the system takes into account the most diverse needs and adopts optimal solutions according to different needs.
It can be used in various ways: each element of the dividing wall is interchangeable and allows the position to be changed after the previous modular scheme, allowing a simplified reorganization of the work space
Copernicus is interchangeable and allows over time, as needs transform, to change the position compared to the previous modular scheme allowing a serious and simplified reorganization of the space and the workplace.
The modules, profiles and joints that make up this patented system have been designed to ensure maximum ease in assembly, while maintaining the highest compliance with the requirements of aesthetics, elegance and cleanliness in design and taking care of every detail and adding a wide choice in the colouring of walls, doors and finishing profiles.
The quality of materials, finishes and security put the finishing touches to this system, in which functionality and aesthetics make it always up-to-date ... even in the future!
We reckon that light is the lifeblood and our glass walls are born to enhance it and put it at complete disposal in a harmonious expression of design and functionality for offices, banks, shops, etc.